websites that summarize their research in Spring 2003.
Student Groups and Topics
Team Absolute: "Iodine
Tests and Absorption Spectrum Show that Amylase Present in Killian’s
Catalyzes Starch Faster than Bud Light."
The Biology Blues:"Benedict’s,
Barfoed’s, Selivanoff’s, Bial’s tests show different sugars exist in
ginkgo biloba extract and leaves."
The Bonobos: "Carbohydrate
tests suggest that more value lies in buying organic Malus Domestica
apples over inorganic apples."
Chloroplasts: "Enzyme, carbohydrate and photosynthetic analysis
show frozen green beans (Paseolus vulgaris) as best preparation."
The Enzymes: "Iodine and Selivanoff's Tests Indicate
Differences in the Chemical Composition of Cooked and Raw Daucus carota."
Grilled Cheese Sandwiches:
"Higher Glycemic Index Found in Non Organic Zea Mayas Via Glycemic,
Carbohydrate, Photosynthesis, and Enzyme Tests."
Master Maters: "Quantitative Tests Show Sugar, Enzyme, and
Photosynthetic Variants in Organic Vs. Commercial Carrots, Apples and
Baby Food."
Molecules: "Effect of pH displays greater enzymatic activity in
Carnegia gigantea (Aloe Vera) possibly causing medicinal benefits."
Team N.E.R.D.:
"Barfoed’s, Iodine, and PPO Tests Show Similarities between Organic and
Processed Potato (Solanum tuberosum) Chips."
"Sugar, Pigment and Enzyme Tests of Aloe barbadensis and St. Ives Lotion
Reveal More Sugars and Pigments in Aloe Plant."
Pepsin Pals:
"Brassica oleracea and Lactuca sativa are Different Colors but Paper
Chromatography Results Show Similar Pigments."
"Analysis of Increased Nutrition in Organic vs. Commercially Produced
Apple Using Absorbency."
Sabbath Scientists: "Chromatograph and Absorbance Analyses Show
Vast Pigment Profile Differences in Capsicum Annum var. Grossum."
SahilEmilyCarlyJude Team: "Bial’s Test Reveals Differences in Taste
of Lemons and Limes May Be Closely Related to Structure of Furanose
Seven: "A
Comparison Analysis of the Greater Carbohydrate and Increased
Photosynthetic Element Count of Budweiser Versus the Similar Enzyme
Content of Bud Light."
Dispensers: "Green and Red Grapes Have Similar Carbohydrate &
Enzyme Activity, Supported by Benedict's Test, and the Presence of PPO
Team Synthesis: "Sugar Tests Show Fructose in GM, Organic
Oranges, and Tang,
but Photosynthesis and Enzyme
Tests Reveal Differences."
Regulators: "Analysis of Sugars and Enzymes Indicate that
Nutritional Values of Orange Juice are Affected by Pasteurization."
Biles: "Carbohydrate tests reveal acetylsalicylic acid alters
sugars composition of Bellis perennis."
Champagne: "Action Spectrum tests between Red and Green Tiger
Lotus show that the green plant photosynthesizes more."
Lipids: "Cricket carbohydrates, pigment, and enzymes do not reflect
diet, as found by sugar, chromatography, and PPO tests."
The Mutts:
"Different varieties of Citrus Sinensis have similar Carb and PHS test
results, and neither contain the enzyme PPO."
Nanometers: "Comparing Carbohydrates, Photosynthetic Factors, and
Enzymes of Raw and Boiled Zea Mayes: Heat as a catalyst similar to
Protocols: "Carbohydrate, Photosynthesis and Enzyme Tests Show
Property Differences in Bananas During the Ripening Process."
Vets of
the Future (Duhn, duhn, duhn…): "A. barbadensis vs E. pulcherrima
Chromatography Shows Differing Rf Values, Similar Pigments Verify Like
"Carbohydrate Tests on Apple Juices vs. Apples (Malus sylvestris)
Indicate Equal Nutritional Importance."