Sugar, Pigment and Enzyme Tests of Aloe barbadensis and St. Ives Lotion Reveal More Sugars and Pigments in Aloe Plant
(Title by Andy Taylor)
(Revised by Irfan Ahmad, revised by Patrick Pruitt)

By: Irfan Ahmad, Kara Pierce, Patrick Pruitt, and Andy Taylor
LBS 145
Tuesday 3:00-6:00 pm
Dr. Luckie

By Andy Taylor and Kara Pierce
(Revised by Irfan Ahmad, revised by Patrick Pruitt)

    Is there a chemical difference between the aloe in manufactured lotion and aloe gel obtained directly from the plant?  Carbohydrate, enzyme, and photosynthetic tests were performed on St. Ives lotion and three different constituents of Aloe barbadensis Miller: the sap, the mucilage, and the rind.  The yellow sap is in the large pericyclic tubules above the mucilage.  The mucilage is the thick layer of clear plant tissue just below the rind (Danhof 2000).  The rind is the outer, green layer.  The sap, mucilage, and rind were expected to contain similar carbohydrates that would be absent from the lotion.  The rind was expected to contain photosynthetic pigments not found in the sap, mucilage, or lotion.  The enzyme polyphenoloxidase (PPO) was expected to be present in the sap, mucilage, and rind but not in the lotion. 
    The carbohydrate tests performed included Benedict’s, Barfoed’s, Selivanoff’s, Bial’s, and Iodine Tests (Maleszewski, et al, 2003).  These tests indicated that: the lotion contained pyranoses; the sap contained monosaccharide reducing sugars, ketoses and furanoses; the mucilage contained pyranoses; and the rind contained reducing sugars and pyranoses.  Paper chromatography showed that the rind was the only solution with photosynthetic pigments.  The absorption spectrum also indicated that the rind was the only solution with photosynthetic pigments.  An enzyme test for PPO showed that it was not present in any of the solutions.  The data suggests that aloe lotion contains a smaller variety of carbohydrates.  This leads to the inference that because lotion contains fewer carbohydrates, it may be missing a vital healing component.

Figure 11

Figure 11
                                          (a)                                (b)                            (c)                                (d)


Figure 11: This figure shows the test for Polyphenoloxidase (PPO). Each substance, (a) the sap, (b) the lotion, (c) the rind, and (d) the mucilage, were reacted with catechol to see if there was PPO present. For each set of cuvettes above, the cuvette on the right shows the substance before catechol was added and the cuvette on the left shows the substance 10 minutes after the catechol was added. As seen in the picture, there was no visible color change, so the absorbance of each was taken when the catechol was initially added and again 10 minutes later. There was no significant difference in the two absorbances to it was concluded that there was no PPO present in any of the tested substances.

By Kara Pierce
(Revised by Patrick Pruitt, revised by Irfan Ahmad)

    The purpose of these experiments was to determine if a commercial aloe vera lotion was similar in components to the aloe vera sap, the aloe vera mucilage and the aloe vera rind.  We were trying to find out if the carbohydrates, enzymes, and photosynthetic components of the rind were also present in the sap, mucilage, and a commercial lotion. We believed that the sap, mucilage, and rind would contain similar carbohydrates, which would be absent from the lotion, and furthermore expected to find photosynthetic components in the rind that were not present in the sap, mucilage, or lotion.  Finally, we predicted that PPO would be present in the sap, mucilage, and rind, but not in the lotion, due to the dilution of the lotion by other compounds to create the commercial product.
    The sap was the liquid drained from the center of the plant when broken open.  It had a distinct yellow color.  The mucilage was the thick layer of plant tissue surrounding the sap, and it was for the most part clear.  The rind was the outer layer, left behind when the mucilage was scraped away, and was green.  The lotion was a commercially purchased product, and was white.
    To find the carbohydrates, a series of simple tests were performed. In Barfoed's test, the rind, lotion and mucilage solutions did not show a color change from their green, white and clear colors, respectively, indicating an absence of monosaccharides.  The sap solution, however, did show a red color change, a sign of the presence of monosaccharides.  Similar results were obtained from the Benedict's test, in which the rind, lotion, and mucilage solutions did not show a color change, indicative of a lack of reducing sugars.  The sap solution did change to a dark reddish color, showing that reducing sugars were present in this solution.  During the Selivanoff’s test, the lotion solution showed no distinct color change after 120 seconds, leading us to believe it did not contain ketoses. The sap solution did show a notable color change after 60 seconds, indicating the presence of ketoses.  Previous research suggests that the ketose fructose may have caused this reaction to occur (Paez et al, 2000).  The rind and mucilage solutions showed very mild color change after 120 seconds, causing us to think they did not contain ketoses, because solutions containing ketoses typically show a color change within the first minute of being boiled.  The fourth test we did was the Bial’s test.  The lotion, mucilage, and rind solutions showed no color change, suggesting that any carbohydrates present in the solutions were pyranoses.  The sap solution underwent a green color change, indicating the presence of pentose-furanose rings in the sap.  The next test that was performed was the Iodine test. The lack of color change in the lotion, mucilage, and rind solutions indicated the absence of starch, while the color change in the sap solution suggested the presence of starch in the sap.  As expected, the sap indicated the presence of reducing sugars and monosaccharides.  However, the expected reducing sugars were not found in the rind, as it tested negatively on the Benedict’s and Barfoed’s tests.  Previous research indicated that sugars glucose, fructose, galactose, and arabinose would be present (Paez et al, 2000), and other research also adds that the reducing sugar mannose should be present (Pugh et al, 2001), but these were not found in our examination of the rind.  In addition, the mucilage and lotion solutions tested negatively for reducing sugars and monosaccharides, counter to our predictions.  From these results we can conclude that the sap also contains reducing sugars not found in the lotion, rind, or mucilage. 
    An attempt was made to extract pigment from sap, mucilage, rind, and lotion.  Using paper chromatography, it was found that the lotion, sap, and mucilage had no noticeable pigment. The rind had a small green band, showing that it contains chlorophyll, and a faint yellow band as well, signaling xanthophyll.  This supports our prediction of pigments exclusively in the rind.  The absorption spectrum of the lotion was steadily high.  Slightly lower was the spectrum of the rind, which dipped during the green band of the spectrum.  Lower still was the spectrum of the sap, which reflected the most light in the yellow band of the spectrum.  Finally, the mucilage had the lowest spectrum, as it did not absorb much light.  This data supports our hypothesis, in that the chromatography suggests that the rind is the only one of the subjects containing the pigment chlorophyll, which is necessary for photosynthesis.  Also, the fact that the rind had a high absorption spectrum shows that it is capable of absorbing plenty of light to use in photosynthetic processes.  We believe the high absorption spectrum of the lotion is due to its thickness, rather than being an indication of its readiness to perform photosynthesis.
    Lastly, two tests were performed to determine the presence of PPO, finding that the enzyme PPO was not present in any of the solutions.  This was contrary to original predictions, which held that the enzyme would be present in all solutions except the lotion. 
    Overall, these tests have found differences between the commercial lotion and the aloe vera sap, mucilage, and rind.  They have found differences in carbohydrates and photosynthetic components, of which, the manufactured lotion should contain to fully function as the aloe vera gel would.  Research suggests that the carbohydrates in aloe vera play a role in the clinical usefulness of the plant, in that they aid in reducing inflammation (Joshi, 1998).  Also, research on aloe vera suggests that enzymes present in aloe vera also play an important role in the healing abilities of the plant (Vasquez et al, 1996).  This would indicate that using the lotion would not reap the user the benefits of the carbohydrates present in the sap, but not present in the lotion.  However, a similarity in the components of the commercial aloe vera product to the aloe vera plant can be noted (Ross et al, 1997).
    A problem that we encountered during our research was that while mixing the lotion solutions, the lotion did not mix well with the distilled water, perhaps due to the possible presence of oil in the lotion.  Regardless, this resulted in a poorly formed solution, which may have affected the results of some of the tests.  Another problem was the change in chromatography paper.  One type of paper produced strong results during previously performed structured labs.  However, this paper was replaced with a different kind in the lab, which produced weak results on the chromatography tests.  If these errors were improved upon, we believe that there would be more noticeable differences between the Aloe barbadensis plant and the St. Ives lotion.