Carbohydrate Tests on Apple Juices vs. Apples (Malus sylvestris)

Indicate Equal Nutritional Importance



By: Farhan Bhatti, Andy Hanson, Jana McNulty, Dan Nelson



As an extension to a plethora of studies on apples (Malus sylvestris), pressed red delicious apples were tested against Meijer apple juice, Robinette's cider, and Odwalla organic juice for comparison of: nutritional content in the form of carbohydrates, photosynthetic properties, and enzyme activity. Similar results were expected for each liquid. Carbohydrate structures were investigated with the use of three tests: Benedict's, Barfoed's, and Selivanoff's. Both Benedict's and Barfoed's tests determine reducing sugar presence and Selivanoff's test determines the presence of an aldose or ketose. Photosynthetic properties of apple leaves were tested by using paper chromatography to search for pigments such as chlorophyll, which play a large role in photosynthesis. When experimenting with enzymes, a touch of juice was added to catechol, a substrate that changes color when oxidized by the enzyme PPO, and data checking for a change in absorbency over time was recorded. Enzyme activity was also tested by measuring the effect varying pH values have on absorbency.

Regarding the presence of carbohydrates, it was shown that the pressed apples and apple liquids contained reducing sugars and had either disaccharides or polysaccharides. Aldose sugars were present in all groups. The presence for PPO also came up positive in all groups. The effect of pH on absorbencies followed a direct relationship for each trial of apple skins and leaves. From our analysis of nutritional content, convincing data is present to support our hypothesis that red delicious apples have equal nutritional value as Meijer apple juice, Robinette's cider, and Odwalla organic apple juice.


Figure 3. Results From Selivanoff's Test. This test was performed on the pressed apple juice, the Meijer apple juice, the apple cider, and the Odwalla apple juice. Both trials are pictured together. In order from left to right, the tubes pictured are the second trial of the Meijer juice, the first and second trials of the pressed juice, the first and second trials of the cider, the positive control (galactose), the second and first trials of the Odwalla juice, and the first trial of the Meijer juice. All liquids changed color in less than one minute, which indicates the sugar is a monosaccharide ketose.



So what do the above results actually mean? Is there a significant difference between juice from a pressed apple and apple juice purchased from a store? To start, we predicted there would not be a difference, and our data indeed helped support our claim. Juice companies cannot claim to be "100% pure" or "All-Natural" unless they are confident their product, after undergoing rigorous testing, will appear to be what they claim it to be. And what they claim it to be is a pure substitute of eating apples.

We expected to find no difference in components of the juice, and the first experiment we performed to test our claim was Benedict's test. Benedict's test determines whether or not there is a free aldehyde or ketone group in the carbohydrate (Luckie,, 2003). A red precipitate formed during all trials for the juice from the red-delicious apple and the store-purchased liquids. This indicates they all have free aldehyde or ketone groups, and thus, they are reducing sugars. We saw a color change when performing Barfoed's test on the pressed apple, a test which indicated if the apple contained either disaccharides or polysaccharides. The color changed because only monosaccharides can react quickly enough to reduce copper ions (Luckie,, 2003). When this experiment was repeated on the other apple liquids, the same results were obtained. This led us to believe the sugars are monosaccharides, which coincides with our results from Selivanoff's test. We cannot conclude from this test that the sugars in both are the same, but only that the sugars in both are monosaccharides. Selivanoff's test, the test to distinguish between a ketose and aldose, showed very similar results for all liquids. Resorcinol in concentrated HCl, when heated with a sugar, produced furfural or hydorxymethylfurfural, which further reacted in a boiling water bath to yield a RED color. If this happens in less than one minute, one can conclude it is a ketose. Anything over one minute is an aldose. We used one positive control - galactose. We tested the four apple liquids twice, and each trial yielded the same result - a uniform color change within thirty seconds of heating. Hence, our results lead us to believe we were dealing with monosaccharide ketoses (Table 3).

The purpose of organic juice is not to deliver a product with different nutritional content, but rather, to deliver a product fertilized with organic matter instead of manufactured chemicals (Sullivan, 2001).The Odwalla juice company even places a "shelf life" on its products to ensure purity and cleanliness. The "expiration date" of our Odwalla apple juice was the day after we performed the original carbohydrate experiments, January 22nd. This juice was refrigerated for four weeks after its expiration date and allowed to ferment. At this point, we repeated the carbohydrate tests and found no change in the sugar composition of the juice. The only noticeable difference: the smell.

We thought there would be identical pigments found in the juices as well. The paper chromatography for the apple leaves yielded orange-yellow and blue-green pigments. Using a chromatogram strip, and by placing drops of our apple juice onto a strip, the pigments could be identified. The individual pigments in the leaves were Carotene, Xanthophyll, Chlorophyll a, and Chlorophyll b. The individual pigments in the peel were Carotene and Xanthophyll (Table 5).

The absorption spectrum test was executed to investigate which wavelengths of light the apple leaves and the apple peel absorb and reflect. For the leaves, during both trials, we observed that they absorbed light in the blue and red regions of the UV Light Spectrum, but reflected green light. The pigment chlorophyll absorbed the most light energy in the blue spectrum. For the apple peel, during both trials, we observed that the peel absorbed light in the blue and green regions of the UV Spectrum, but reflected red light. We tested the apple peel to see if it had any effect on the photosynthetic process. Since the peel reflected red light, however, we were not able to establish a relationship between apple peels and photosynthesis based on our data.

Two experiments were performed to test the enzymes. The first was the PPO test. PPO is the enzyme that ultimately causes apples to turn brown (Billaud et. al, 2002). Because we were dealing with liquids, we faced a minor challenge. It would have been very difficult to observe any changes had we added catechol to the different liquids, as the procedure in the lab manual suggests. The color of freshly squeezed juice from the apple is much lighter than the brown apple juice sold at stores, and since catechol turns substances with PPO brown, we would have seen no noticeable difference. Thus, instead of adding a bit of catechol to the various liquids, we added a bit of the various liquids (0.5ml) to 2.5ml of catechol and observed any change in absorbency over time. If the solution did change absorbency, then we could conclude PPO was active. Out of the four liquids, the only one which did not have a constant absorbency was the pressed apple juice. Fresh apples contain active PPO (Billaud et. al, 2002), however, the enzyme was not active inside the three other apple liquids for a few reasons. First, the PPO in the three purchased apple liquids had already oxidized the pulp that was used to make the three juices. Also, the optimal temperature for enzyme treatment in apples is 30°C (NCBE Journal, 2000). Thus, although an additional reaction of the enzyme was originally expected, an additional reaction did not occur when the apple liquids were added to the catechol.

We found the pH was 4 for the pressed apples and the cider, and 5 for the Odwalla and Meijer juice, hence, the former two liquids were slightly more acidic than the latter two liquids. Next, we tested the effect of pH. Thirty-six test tubes were prepared for this experiment, with varying pH buffers in the test tubes. We observed as the pH buffer grew in size, for the pressed apple juice only, the general trend was an increase in absorbency. This is because the enzyme PPO was still active in this juice (NCBE Journal, 2000). The absorbency of the cider, Odwalla juice, and Meijer juice varied, but only slightly and not by a substantial amount. This data supports our reasoning that PPO is present, but not active in the three purchased liquids.

Some potential weaknesses or problems we encountered were we did not record the temperature the apples were pressed at, and did not know what other additives were placed in the apple juice. We tested the apples when they were freshly squeezed, however, and thus, the juice was still clear. We didn't use fresh apples; instead we used the ones we purchased at the beginning of the experiment, so the freshness of the apples was in jeopardy. Even after purchasing the apples from a grocery store, we had no way of telling how old the apples were that we had purchased. Another error we encountered came during our test for the effect of pH. The spectrophotometer displayed negative absorbency values for some of the liquids. Catechol and the juice was used as a blank, and the reading was taken at 480 nm. In hindsight, we should have used a more concentrated solution to ensure our values were not hovering around 0 absorbency. Further trials should have been performed to check this, however, due to time constraints, we were only able to perform one trial of this experiment.

Further research on this topic could be performed. Suggested research includes not only testing freshly pressed apples vs. apple juice, but different brands of juices. Information about any preservatives added to the juice would need to be researched. One could also test other apple products, such as apple sauce, to see if these products uphold the same nutritional value as ripe apples.
As is the case in many scientific experiments, we performed our experiment with a healthy amount of background information, and we obtained results that seem to be in accordance with what we expected. The Food Pyramid does not distinguish between fruit and its juice counterpart, and we can assume that if the true intentions of the Food Pyramid are to make us healthier, then most if not all of the benefits one receives from eating fruit are indeed preserved when the fruit becomes fruit juice. Important similarities were shown at the molecular level between juice from a pressed apple and various apple drinks. With improvements in technique and additional knowledge on the topic, we believe the same results can be obtained and be portrayed more convincingly to the general public.



Billaud, Brun-Mérimee, Maraschin,, Nicolas, Roux. 2002. Inhibitory effect of unheated and heated D-glucose, D-fructose and L-cysteine solutions and Maillard reaction product model systems on polyphenoloxidase from apple. II. Kinetic study andmechanism of inhibition. Food Chemistry. Version 7.51e.

"Enzymes in fruit juice production." In a Jam and out of Juice.
NCBE Journal. (December 2000).

Luckie, Maleszewski, Sayed, Wilterding. LBS-145 Cell and Molecular Biology: Lecture/Lab, Spring 2003, Course Packet. pp. 63-66. MSU Printing Services.

Luckie, Maleszewski, Sayed, Wilterding. LBS-145 Cell and Molecular Biology: Lecture/Lab, Spring 2003, Course Packet. pp.72-73. MSU Printing Services.

Luckie, Maleszewski, Sayed, Wilterding. LBS-145 Cell and Molecular Biology: Lecture/Lab, Spring 2003, Course Packet. pp. 80-81. MSU Printing Services.

Sullivan, Dan. 2001 Organic Apple Outshine Conventional Ones. Organic Gardening. Vol. 48 p. 16