Cell & Organismal Biology

Biology is the exploration of life at all levels. It examines the interplay of genes, cells, and chemistry allowing organisms to live, survive, and interact with each other and the environment, all within a scientific framework.


Your lecture class meets twice a week. This semester, you will study genes (molecular biology) and the chemistry of living cells inside organisms (cell biology), organisms and their environments (ecology), genetic variation and inheritance (genetics), and the interactions of the environment, ecology, and genetics over time (evolution) that led to the diversity of life observed on the planet today. You’ll read the assigned pages in the textbook, take notes and then in lecture we will deeply review some parts of the reading (and have discussions with random calling and use of microphones for each student to be heard when they speak) and after lecture you will re-read the assignments again, edit your notes, and understand even more then second time.

Your lab class meets once a week. This semester, you will design and pursue one experiment all semester long. You will find an interesting animal behavior that has been studied and published in the literature (like a mating display), attempt to document it with animals on campus (maybe in squirrels), and design experiments to test if the same behavior also occurs in humans! Your group will document your discoveries with photographs and digital video from smartphones. You’ll bit by bit generate a formal research manuscript to share your findings, and can choose to create a documentary film as well. Once a week in lab you will examine & practice the methods of a scientist in performing your research. This approach is aimed at mentoring you, so you master the ability to think like a serious scientist, not a pretend one.







Zoom Classroom

Research Projects

Course Pack

(buy @SBS bookstore)


Top Hat clicker



(ID:40178318, key:LB144)

Lecture Slides

(pdf files)


  1. Prof. Douglas Luckie

  2. LAs: Olivia Haas, Isabel Arnold, Eric Puttaiah, James Ohman, Jamie Marx, Joseph Nolan

Required Materials


What will you do in these two classes?