Student Resources
Introductory Cell & Organismal Biology (LB144-BioCore Fall2024)
Lyman Briggs College, Michigan State University

WEEK 1 |      Lab Meeting on Monday
              |      lecture 1 (Ch18.1-ICB) Are cricket songs are heard by enemies? on Wednesday

WEEK 2 |      Lab Meeting on Monday
              |      lecture 2 (online) (Ch18.1-ICB) Do frog choruses attract predators? (exploiting communication)
              |      JClub1: Raj Ulagaraj (crickets) + Rachel Page (bats) papers on Wednesday

WEEK 3 |      Lab Meeting on Monday
              |      lecture 3 (Ch18.3-ICB) What information is used by corals during settlement? on Wednesday

WEEK 4 |      Lab Meeting on Monday
              |      lecture 4 (online) (Ch17.1-ICB) How is info transmitted between fireflies? (info between members of species)
              |      JClub2: Rachel Lewis (fireflies) + Lindsey Harrington (coral) papers on Wednesday

WEEK 5 |      Lab Meeting on Monday
              |      lecture 5 (Ch17.2-ICB) What about complex communication in storm petrels? on Wednesday

WEEK 6 |      Lab Meeting on Monday
              |      lecture 6 (online) (Ch17.3-ICB) Is there specialized communication in social meerkats (group's derived mechanisms)
              |      JClub3: Vincent Bretagnole (petrels)+ Marta Manser (meerkats) papers on Wednesday

WEEK 7 |      Lab Meeting on Monday
              |      lecture 7 (online) (Ch16.1-ICB) Sandwort plants & barnacles (What causes individual variation?)
              |      JClub4: Caiazza (pollution, stomata and hairs) paper on Wednesday

WEEK 8 |      EXAM #1 WEEK

Fall Break

WEEK 9 |      lecture 8 (online) (Ch1.1, 1.2-ICB) Historical data of Griffith & Avery (What is the heritable material?)
              |      JClub5: Watson & Crick & Wilkins & Franklin (DNA structure) et al papers on Wednesday

WEEK 10 |      lecture 9 (online) (Ch1.5-ICB) Hello epigenetics (Is all genetic information encoded linearly in the DNA sequence?)
                |      JClub6: DeSimone (epigenetics) paper on Wednesday

WEEK 11 |      lecture 10 (online) (Ch2.3-ICB) Translation: Deciphering the codes of codons (How do cells make proteins?)
                |      JClub7: Dang & Johnson (Warfarin, fetal hemoglobin, blood clotting) papers on Wednesday

WEEK 12 |      lecture 11 (online) (Ch3.1-ICB) Mendel & pea plants (reappear in a later generation?)
                |      JClub8: Collins (birth weight) papers on Wednesday

WEEK 13 |      lecture 12 (online) (Ch4.1-ICB) Evolution of Life (What is Evolution?)
                |      JClub9: Ingman (human evolution, out of africa) et al paper on Wednesday

WEEK 14 |      lecture 13 (online) (Ch4.3-ICB) Lipids evolving into membranes (Can non-living objects compete & grow?)
                |      JClub10: Stanley Miller (origin of life) paper on Wednesday

Thanksgiving Break

WEEK 15 |      EXAM #2 WEEK

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