Student Resources
Introductory Cell & Organismal Biology (LB144-experimental Fall2022)
Lyman Briggs College, Michigan State University

WEEK 1      |      (semester starts Wednesday)
                   |      lecture 1 (Ch18-ICB Information in the Environment) 18.1 Cricket songs are exploited by natural enemies (do organisms exploit communication between others?)

WEEK 2      |      lecture 2 (Ch18-ICB Information in the Environment) 18.1 Frog choruses attract predators (do organisms exploit communication between others?)
                   |      lecture 3 (Ch18-ICB Information in the Environment) 18.3 Information is used by corals during settlement (is chemical communication used to defend?)

WEEK 3      |      lecture 4 (Ch17-ICB Behavior and Info Exchange) 17.1 & 17.2 Simple communication in a firefly (How is info transmitted between members of species?)
                   |      lecture 5 (Ch17-ICB Behavior and Info Exchange) 17.2 More complex communication in storm petrels (How is info transmitted between members of species?)

WEEK 4      |      lecture 6 (Ch17-ICB Behavior and Info Exchange) 17.3 Specialized communication in social meerkats (groups need more derived mechanisms of info transfer?)
                   |      lecture 7 (Ch17-ICB Behavior and Info Exchange) 17.3 (cont) communication in social meerkats (do groups need more derived mechanisms)

WEEK 5      |      [ exam day ]
                   |      lecture 8 (Ch16-ICB Variation and Population Genetics) 16.1 Heritable variation and mutations in rat's blood pressure (What causes individual variation?)

WEEK 6      |      lecture 9 (Ch16-ICB Variation and Population Genetics) 16.1 Variation caused by the environment around plants & barnacles (What causes individual variation?)
                   |      lecture 10 (Ch16-ICB Variation and Population Genetics) 16.3 Non-Mendelian genetics in viruses (Why do we need annual flu vaccines?)

WEEK 7      |      lecture 11 (Ch3-ICB Repro and Cell Division) 3.1 Traits discovered by Gregor Mendel in pea plants (How can traits disappear and reappear in a later generation?)
                   |      lecture 12 (Ch3-ICB Repro and Cell Division) 3.1 Mendel & pea plants, SBE1 enzyme case study (How can traits disappear and reappear in a later generation?)

WEEK 8      |      lecture 13 (Ch3-ICB Repro and Cell Division) 3.3 How cells divide, binary fission in E. coli (How do prokaryotes communicate their identity to the next generation?)
                   |      lecture 14 (Ch3-ICB Repro and Cell Division) 3.4 Mitosis in humans, newts and kangaroo rat cells (Do eukaryotes produce new cells the same way as bacteria?)

WEEK 9      |      lecture 15 (Ch3-ICB Repro and Cell Division) 3.5 Meiosis & sex in sea urchin and Lily plant cells (How can two parents produce non-identical offspring?)
                   |      lecture 16 (Ch3-ICB Repro and Cell Division) 3.5 Meiosis & ELSI3.2 ethics in human history (Debate: Should we engineer better babies?)

WEEK 10     |      [ exam day ]
                    |      lecture 17 (Ch2-ICB Central Dogma) 2.1 Transcription: Evidence of RNA types and ribosomes (How does DNA communicate information to the cell?)

WEEK 11     |      lecture 18 (Ch2-ICB Central Dogma) 2.3 Translation: Deciphering the codes of codons (How do cells make proteins?)
                    |      lecture 19 (Ch2-ICB Central Dogma) 2.4 Translation: Insulin, ORFs, OMIM and NCBI (Can cells pick and choose information?)

WEEK 12     |      lecture 20 (Ch1-ICB Heritable Material) 1.1, 1.2 Historical data of Griffith & Avery (What is the heritable material?)
                    |      lecture 21 (Ch1-ICB Heritable Material) 1.4 DNA: Historical data of Watson, Crick & Franklin (How does DNA's shape affect its function?)

WEEK 13     |      lecture 22 (Ch1-ICB Heritable Material) 1.5 Hello epigenetics (Is all genetic information encoded linearly in the DNA sequence?)
                    |      Journal Club before Thanksgiving Break

WEEK 14     |      lecture 23 (Ch4-ICB Evolution and Origin of Cells) 4.1 Evolution of Life (What is Evolution?)
                    |      lecture 24 (Ch4-ICB Evolution and Origin of Cells) 4.2 Origin of Life on Earth (Could abiotic molecules form biologically important molecules before life evolved?)

WEEK 15     |      lecture 25 (Ch4-ICB Evolution and Origin of Cells) 4.3 Lipids evolving into membranes (Can non-living objects compete & grow?)
                    |      lecture 26 (Ch4-ICB Evolution and Origin of Cells) 4.4 Membranes evolving into cells (Can non-living objects store energy?)

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