Michigan State Palmtop User Group (Old page - Archives)
MSPUG Corporate Sponsors of past meetings
- PelicanWare:
Creators of Newton's QuickFigure, PointPro and AvailWorks
- Iambic
Software makers of TimeReporter, Action Names and Sub
Patrol -rule the sea!
- Scrawl
Software makers of PT100 -telnet and vt100, Mahjongg-match
tiles, and Chiral -must be seen
- Eubulus
computers of Lansing is MSPUG's official certified computer
dealer for Mid Michigan
- Standalone
Inc: Source of SuperNames for the Palm and MUCH more.
- Mark/Space
Softworks Communications Software PageNOW!- and Mac sync
software for Clies.
- Foundation
Systems where Adam Tow works magic.
- Franklin Covey Suppliers of Palm pens, cases, and
much more.
- DataViz: creators of Documents
to Go and more for the PalmOS.
- PalmGear HQThe one stop source
for your palm connected organizer.
- Palm Computingwho sent us a Palm VII
and many raffle items back in June (see the June newsletter below)
- Handspring who sent us a Visor Deluxe
and many raffle items in October (see the October newsletter below)
- DreamHouse
Software the makers of Pocket Photo for Palm OS.
Software's Silkyboard keyboard alternative
for the Palm.
- Matsucom's
onHand PC a mini computer on your wrist.
- Brayder
Technologies' Jack Flash which gives you
access to Flash ROM space.
- Rand
McNally and their GPS mapping hardware and software for
the PalmOS.
- OmniSky
and wireless modems for the PalmOS devices.
- Psion
and their EPOC-based Pen computers
- Microsoft
and Hewlet Packard sent us the Hewlet Packard Jornada 540 device
running PocketPC
- NowSpeed
the world's coolest wireless portal for portables everywhere.
- Palm Inc
sent Ted Ladd their lead evangelist and raffled off software
T-shirts and a Palm IIIc!
- IS/Complete
and their infrared applications, games and other excellent Palm software.
- Kodak
the experts of photography sent us two PalmPix cameras to review
and raffle off.
- Landware - And all the GoVox
digital recording Palm covers they sent us.
- ParallelDesign -And their
way cool Palm accessories!
- HandEra/TRG the source of the HandEra
330 the only Palm with a compact flash and SD slot.
- StylusPlus - And their very
nice selection of Pens for the discerning palmtop user.
- TealPoint -the hardworking
folks bringing movies to your palm with TealMovie (and much more).
- Generic Media -who makes
the extraordinary gMovie for Windows/Macintosh and PalmOS.
- Blue Nomad -makers of Backup
Buddy and the sophisticated WordSmith 2.0 for PalmOS.
- Active Corporation
-developers of the ActiveECG an electrocardiogram that works with
your Palm.
- Landware -Where you get
the Floating Point Stylus, Pocket Quicken,Zagat's Travel
Guide and lots more.
- Microsoft -Beth Goza and the
Pocket PC 2002 platform update Tour (11/01)
- SPRINT PCS -Threw MSPUG a party at the Starbuck's in Okemos(1/02)
to show us the I-300 Palm phone from Samsung. That was way-cool.
- HANDMARK -sent us lots of free
PalmOS software to check out the HANDMARK product line (3/02).
- SmarterCase-Tim Sullivan from "SmarterCase" let us check out his
cool cases for your Palmtop.
- Wiley Publishing - Gary Suarez from Wiley sent us "Piloting Palm:The
Inside Story of Palm.
- AriaLink- The official sponsor
of MSPUG's 802.11b wireless ethernet online broadcast from Beaner's each
- TalonPR, Inc. -From which Kevin
Doel hooks us up with the latest cool PalmOS stuff all the time.
- Blue Squirrel, Inc. -Who sent us Snapture for Palm OS. (5/03)
- StylusCentral.com, Inc. -From which Kevin
Doel hooked us up with the "2-in-1 Telescoping Stylus for Palm Tungsten T." (6/03)
MSPUG/MSNUG Publications from past meetings
MSNUG formed April 1997
1. MSNUG April 'Newtsletter'
2. MSNUG's May 'Newtsletter'
3. MSNUG's June 'Newtsletter'
4. MSNUG's July 'Newtsletter'
5. MSNUG's August 'Newtsletter'
6. MSNUG's September 'Newtsletter'
7. MSNUG's October 'Newtsletter'
8. MSNUG's November 'Newtsletter'
9. MSNUG's December 'Newtsletter'
10. MSNUG's January 'Newtsletter'
11. MSNUG's February 'Newtsletter'
12. MSNUG's March 'Newtsletter'
MSNUG becomes MSPUG April 1998
1. April 'Newsletter'
2. May 'Newsletter'
3. June 'Newsletter'
4. July 'Newsletter'
5. August 'Newsletter'
6. September 'Newsletter'
7. October 'Newsletter'
8. November 'Newsletter'
9. December 'Newsletter'
10. January 'Newsletter'
11. February 'Newsletter'
12. March/April Newsletter
13. May Newsletter
14. June! Newsletter
15. July Newsletter
16. August Newsletter
17. September Newsletter
18. October! Newsletter
19. Nov/December Newsletter
20. January Newsletter
21. February Newsletter
22. March Newsletter
23. April Newsletter
24. May Newsletter
25. June Newsletter
26. July Newsletter
27. August Newsletter
28. September Newsletter
29. October Newsletter
30. Nov-Dec-Jan Newsletter
31. February Newsletter
32. March Newsletter
33. April Newsletter
34. May Newsletter
35. June Newsletter
36. July Newsletter
37. Aug/Sept. Newsletter
38. October Newsletter
39. November Newsletter
40. December Newsletter
41. January Newsletter
42. February Newsletter
43. March Newsletter
44. April-June Spring
45. July Newsletter
46. August Newsletter
47. Fall Newsletter
48. Winter Newsletter
49. Spring Newsletter
50. Summer Newsletter
41. January Newsletter
42. February Newsletter
43. March Newsletter
44. April-June Spring Newsletter
45. July Newsletter
46. August Newsletter
47. Fall Newsletter
48. Winter Newsletter
49. Spring Newsletter
50. Summer Newsletter (didn't happen)
51. Fall Newsletter (OK I'm a little too busy)
2004: The year without Newsletters
(we did meet, but I was too busy to write Newsletters)
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