Iodine Test Reveals CaCl2 Up to 0.0676M Enhance αöAmylase Digestion of Solanum tuberosum Starch







Team Science

Jon Engstrom

Amanda Gnau

Nathan Johnson

Hong-Phuc Nguyen






       Salivary αöamylase is a key component in the initial chemical processing of food.  Chloride was discovered to be an allosteric effector of αöamylase for activation.   A structural Ca2+ ion is also necessary. Because calcium and chloride ions are vital for αöamylase function, CaCl2 may be a rate limiting factor of the enzyme.  We examined the digestion of starch in potato when high (0.090M) and low (0.045M) concentrations of CaCl2 were added to saliva.  The samples were subjected to several assays.  In Benedictâs test, the samples all produced an orange/red precipitate, indicating the presence of reducing sugars.  The timed Barfoedâs test generated all negative results; no monosaccharide reducing sugars were detected.Ê The protein assay confirmed that the amounts of protein present in the saliva samples were not significantly different.  The absorption spectrum of the three leaves samples were similar, with two peaks of absorption around 400 and 680 nm.  For the qualitative Iodine test, the potato-saliva sample was darkest, the potato-saliva-0.045M CaCl2 sample was of intermediate color, and the potato-saliva-0.090M CaCl2 was the lightest color at 3 and 6 minutes after contact with saliva.Ê That suggests the least amount of starch was found in the latter sample.  In the quantitative Iodine test, we measured the absorbance for samples of α-amylase, potato starch, and either 0M, 0.025M, 0.045M, 0.0676M, or 0.090M CaCl2 at 0 and 5 minutes.Ê Higher concentrations of CaCl2 yielded lower absorbance, correlating with a lower amount of starch.Ê However, the sample with 0.090M CaCl2 did not follow that trend.  We conclude that higher concentrations of CaCl2 enhance αöamylase action, but there is an optimal concentration (0.0676M) above which it is no longer beneficial for enzymic activity.





Figure 8. Quantitative Iodine test. The solutions measured contained amylase, 1% starch, IKI, and one of the five different concentrations of CaCl2. Their absorbance values were measured with a spectrophotometer immediately after mixing the solutions. As the concentration of CaCl2 increased, the absorbance decreased. This trend continued until the 0.090 M concentration of CaCl2, which showed an increase of absorbance.







          We observed the effect of CaCl2 on the productivity of salivary amylase through various tests.Ê CaCl2 is a cofactor to salivary amylase, which denotes that its addition to the saliva and potato samples would increase the rate of the chloride binding, which activates salivary amylase (Numao et al., 2002). We predicted that the CaCl2 will enhance the efficiency and overall productivity of salivary amylase.Ê According to the tests performed, our hypothesis that the addition of CaCl2 increased the rate at which salivary amylase broke down starch was supported.Ê

Benedictâs test determines the presence of reducing sugars such as ketones and aldehydes.Ê The Benedictâs test came up positive for reducing sugars in the saliva/potato solution as well as the potato-saliva- CaCl2 solutions (Figure 1). The Benedictâs positive results may be due to the presence of maltose, which is a disaccharide reducing sugar (Wang, unknown). The results show that the addition of the cofactor had no effect on the presence of reducing sugars in the amylase/starch solutions.

ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Barfoedâs test determines the presence of monosaccharide reducing sugars.Ê No monosaccharides were detected for any of the samples except the positive control which was fructose (Figure 2).Ê After performing the conventional Barfoedâs test which produced no positive results, our group tried a new approach to the test.Ê The original test added all components together, including the Barfoedâs reagent, and placed them into the hot water bath for the determined timed intervals.Ê In the new approach, our group added the saliva to the potato and potato- CaCl2 solutions and let them sit for periods of three, six and ten minutes.Ê The Barfoedâs reagent was then added and the samples were placed in the hot water bath. We were still not able to detect the presence of monosaccharides (Figure 2).Ê The data suggests that little to no monosaccharides present in our starch/saliva solutions.Ê Our predictions that the CaCl2 would affect the presence of monosaccharides in varying concentrations were not supported because monosaccharides were not detected.Ê This contradiction from our expectations may be due to the saliva not having time to break down the starch to glucose.Ê The saliva used might not have contained an adequate amount of amylase or the potato solution may have been too diluted in order to produce positive results.Ê One other possible explanation is that the alpha amylase could only break down the starch up to a certain point (McCloskey, 2004).Ê A factor that could have affected the results was the concentration of the potato solution which was 10% by weight / volume.Ê The solution may have been too dilute.

            The Iodine test determines the presence of starch in a solution.Ê Our group predicted that the addition of the cofactor would reduce the amount of starch found using the Iodine test.Ê The Iodine test came up with data that was inconclusive the first time through using 1 minute intervals and photographing (Figure 3A & B).ÊÊ Our group then incubated the amylase with potato samples for intervals of three minutes and six minutes before pipetting the IKI. The data for the new approach was conclusive (Figure 4A & B).Ê The surrounding temperature of the samples was a variable to our experiment, so we immersed the samples in a 37 ¡C water bath to attempt to keep the temperature consistent and bring the temperature to the approximate temperature of the mouth.Ê The heat served to optimize the conditions for salivary amylase to function (Zaremba, 2004).Ê Solutions with the higher concentrations of CaCl2 were lighter in color, and the solutions were more translucent.Ê Therefore, the empirical evidence could suggest that the more CaCl2 placed in a solution, the more starch was broken down.Ê Since there was still starch present in the solution containing CaCl2, the concentration of CaCl2 might not have been high enough to cause complete hydrolysis of the starch.Ê

           Bradfordâs assay was performed to determine that the amount of protein in our saliva samples was consistent (Figure 6).Ê After applying the tested solutions (saliva and high/low concentrations of CaCl2) to the standard curve (Figure 5), the data showed that there was no significant difference between the concentrations of protein in the samples (Table 1).Ê If we had more saliva/enzyme in our samples, it would result in increased and faster hydrolysis of starch (Team Absolute, 2003), thereby skewing our results.Ê The data shows that it is indeed the addition of the cofactor that increases the rate of starch breakdown.Ê While the test doesnât directly test for alpha amylase, the results suggest the protein content among the saliva samples was consistent.Ê The results were similar to the predictions that our group had made about the test.

             Our group tested the effects of saliva and its cofactor on photosynthesis.Ê The absorption spectrum test determines which wavelength(s) has the highest absorbance for each of the samples.Ê We predicted that the absorbance spectrum would not change considerably for all three of the samples.Ê The most absorbed wavelengths were expected to be the red and blue parts of the visible light spectrum, approximately 700 and 400 nanometers respectively (Freeman, 138-139).Ê The least absorbed wavelength was expected to be the color green at approximately 550 nanometers.Ê Our actual results show a linear plot of data that decreases in absorption starting at 400nm and ending at 700nm.Ê The results showed that as the concentration of CaCl2 was increased, the absorbance of the samples increased.Ê The results suggest that little to no digestion occurred in the amylase/leaf solution (Figure 7).Ê No digestion occurred and no components in the amylase/leaf solution were broken down because the absorption levels did not drop.Ê If there is no digestion occurring, then the addition of a cofactor would serve no purpose.Ê Furthermore, since the absorbance increased as the concentration of CaCl2 increased, the results could suggest that the addition of unused CaCl2 was responsible for the higher absorption.Ê

          In our independent lab, we quantified the amount of starch across five treatments of varying CaCl2 levels.Ê Our earlier results suggest that the addition of CaCl2 enhances the activity of amylase.Ê For the quantitative Iodine test, five different mixtures containing increasing amounts of CaCl2 concentrations were measured by the spectrometer for absorbance. The first measured solution contained no CaCl2, and the other four had increasing amounts of: 0.0225 M, 0.0454 M, 0.0676 M, and 0.090 M concentrations of CaCl2. All mixtures contained 1% starch solution, amylase solution, IKI, and one of the five concentrations of CaCl2. It was found that the sample with no CaCl2 had the highest absorbance at the initial and five minute reading. As concentration of CaCl2 increased in the samples, the absorbance value decreased at both measured time readings. This trend continued, except for the 0.090 M concentration of CaCl2, which showed a higher reading of absorbance in both cases (Fig. 8,9).Ê It was expected that as the concentration of pure starch was increased, the absorption value could increase according to the best fit line (McCloskey, 2004).Ê The figures suggest that higher concentrations of cofactor used in the solutions results in a lower absorbance reading.Ê The results suggest that the 0.0225M CaCl2 solution is the closest to the most optimal concentration of cofactor for salivary amylase.Ê The rise in the absorbance of the higher concentrations of CaCl2 solutions could be due to an excess of CaCl2 that is not being utilized.Ê

           The results suggest CaCl2 has a positive affect on amylase productivity.Ê There were a few flaws or complications with the structure and procedure of the experiments performed.Ê Prior knowledge from our TAs confirmed that the pure potato solutions would have extremely high starch concentrations and might make our data gathering more difficult.Ê We decided on 1 gram of potato solution in 100 ml of water, but we found the solution to be too diluted and changed the solution to 10 grams of potato solution in 100ml of water. The concentrations of the solutions we used throughout our tests were based on what we thought was best, and might not necessarily be the optimum concentrations for the tests performed.Ê Since different potatoes were used each week, and the freshness of the potatoes was not the same for every experiment, there may have been an error in the data due to these conditions.

           Our experiment required a large volume of saliva in order to perform all of the tests.Ê Since acquiring the entire supply from one person would have taken longer than desired, all group members contributed to the saliva stock and the entire solution was mixed to keep consistency.Ê In order to achieve the high volume of saliva, Quench gum was used to ãforceä salivation.Ê Since the effects of the gum on amylase are unknown, the gum could have potentially altered the data.

ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ When it came time to perform our original independent lab, our group could not get the potato solutions to produce a transmittance of higher than ten percent.Ê We were having difficulty finding the right concentrations for both the potato solutions and the cofactor solutions.Ê Our lab assistant suggested an alternative setup using pure potato starch and pure amylase based on the format of an already accomplished experiment.Ê Our group followed the new experiment and altered the solutions to fit our needs.Ê Using the pure starch solution and pure amylase solutions were very beneficial to our experiment because they isolated exactly what our experiment was meant to test.Ê The only components in the experiment were CaCl2, pure amylase, and pure potato starch.Ê There were no impurities or any other variables effecting what we set out to test.Ê The pure potato solution was acceptable to use because the starch came from potato, just as all of our other starch solutions did so there were no discrepancies with the source of the starch.

          A way to further examine our experiment would be to investigate the effects of the Quench gum on amylase and saliva. We knew that the gum increases the amount of saliva produced in the mouth, but the chemical makeup and the effects of the gum on salivary amylase are still unsure.






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*Potato plant picture is from: