Effects of Citrus Fruits as
Fertilizers Using Photosynthetic Testing, Growth Rate and Leaf Area Ratio of Hedera helix
By Zimin
Zhao, Katrina Shedd, David Hartfield and Sonia Rahangdale
Cell and Molecular Biology
1 M2
Gutteridge, James Hardie, Professor Luckie
Figure 1:
is known that Citrus fruits contain sugars and proteins but not much is known
about how they differ in oranges, grapefruits, and their peels. The purpose of
this study is to discover which of these fruits, and which part, is most
beneficial to plants. Using Benedict’s
test, Barfoed’s test, Selivanoff’s test, and Bial’s test on extracts of the
inside of oranges and grapefruits, and peels of the fruit we found that they
all contain reducing sugars in the form of disaccharides and polysaccharides,
ketoses and aldoses, and hexose furanoses.
(Written by Zimin Zhao, revised by Sonia
Rahangdale, Kati Shedd, David Hartfield)
this experiment we compared the kinds of carbohydrates, the protein
concentrations, the photosynthetic properties and the acidity of different
citrus fruits and citrus fruit parts to help determine which would be the best
fertilizer for the Hedera Ivy, Hedera helix.
The citrus fruits we studied are oranges and grapefruits, and these fruits’
insides and peels were studied separately. The average increase in height, the
photosynthetic properties, and the leaf area ratio of the plants applied with
different extracts of the citrus fruits and citrus fruit parts were also
examined. We predicted that both oranges and grapefruits contain reducing
sugars, disaccharides, ketoses, aldoses, hexose furanoses (Spiegel-Roy and
Goldschmidt, 1996) and proteins (Sinclair, 1972). We hypothesized that the
orange peel extract would be the best fertilizer for plants because studies
have shown that the juice of citrus fruits are much more acidic than their
peels (Spiegel-Roy and Goldschmidt, 1996), and we suspected that grapefruit
extracts from both the peel and the fruit would be too acidic for the plants (Sinclair,
1972). Furthermore, studies have shown that orange peels contain potassium,
which is necessary for plants to grow (James et al., 2004). From this, we
predicted that a chi-squared test on both the average height the plants grew
and the leaf area ratio would show that there is a significant difference
between the control plants, the treatment with orange extract, the treatment
with orange peel extract, the treatment with grapefruit extract and the
treatment with grapefruit peel extract. We expect to find this because if the
orange peel is the most effective fertilizer then it should cause the most
growth and thus producing the tallest plants and plants with the
highest leaf ratio (Spiegel-Roy and Goldschmidt, 1996).
It was also predicted that the plants applied with all four extracts would contain
the photosynthetic pigments -- chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b because both
pigments are green and the color of the plants is green (Krha et al., 2005). It
is known that chlorophyll is “responsible for the green color of plants”
(Freeman, 2002). The orange peel and grapefruit peel extracts are predicted to
contain carotene, which is orange-yellow, and xanthophylls,
which is pale yellow because the peels are yellowish orange in color.
Finally, we predicted that the Hill Reaction would show that white light is the
best for photosynthesis of all the plants because white light consists of many
different colors or wavelengths of light, while blue and red light
only consist of single wavelengths of light (Krha et al., 2005).
the Benedict’s test, which tests for the presence of a free aldehyde or ketone
group, our results showed that all four extracts: orange, orange peel,
grapefruit, and grapefruit peel, produced a red precipitate.
This indicates that there is a free aldehyde or ketone group present in the
sugars in all four extracts. Since sugars that contain a free aldehyde or
ketone are reducing sugars, it can be concluded that all four extracts contain
reducing sugars. Barfoed’s test, which distinguishes monosaccharides from di-
and polysaccharides showed a precipitate in all four extracts. This result
shows the presence of monosaccharides in all four extracts. Selivanoff’s test,
which differentiates ketoses and aldoses showed that
all four extracts contain monosaccharide ketoses because all four extracts
turned red in less than one minute. Bial’s test, which is used to detect
furanoses, showed the presence of pentose-furanoses in all four extracts since
all four extracts turned either green/olive or green after heating. (Krha et
al., 2005) For each extract in all four of the sugar tests three replications
were performed, the replications showed the same results most of the time, so
our results are reliable. Moreover, our results support the prediction that
oranges and grapefruits contain reducing sugars and ketoses, but contradict the
prediction that they contain disaccharides, aldoses, and hexose furanoses.
chromatography of the orange peel extract and the grapefruit peel extract
showed no separation of pigments. This result indicates that the orange peels
and grapefruit peels may not have any photosynthetic pigments in them. Paper chromatography
on the extracts of plants from the control group and the orange fruit treatment
showed the presence of a green pigment with an Rf
value of 0.087 and 0.065 respectively. Paper chromatography on the extracts of
plants from the orange peel treatment, the grapefruit treatment, the grapefruit peel treatment showed the presence of a green
pigment with an Rf value of 0.098, 0.100, and 0.103 respectively; and also
showed the presence of a yellow pigment with an Rf value of 0.523, 0.655, and
0.259 respectively. The yellow pigment with an Rf
value of 0.655 found in the plants from the grapefruit treatment is close to
the Rf value of carotene, which is about 0.622. Indicating
that the plants applied with grapefruit extract contain carotene. The
results observed for the plants from the control group and the orange, orange
peel, grapefruit peel treatments contradicts our prediction because their Rf
values were not close to the previously found Rf values of carotene,
xanthophylls (0.416), chlorophyll a (0.326), or chlorophyll b (0.192). This
indicates that these plants contain photosynthetic pigments other than these
four pigments, but the plants in the orange peel treatment, grapefruit
treatment and grapefruit peel treatment may have more photosynthetic pigments
than the plants in the control group and the orange fruit treatment.
Hill Reaction on Hedera Ivy chloroplasts showed that plants applied with orange
fruit extract had the highest absorbance when exposed to no light, second
highest absorbance when exposed to red light, third highest absorbance when
exposed to white light, and lowest absorbance when exposed to blue light. This
contradicts our prediction and indicates that in this plant extract, indophenol
was reduced the most when exposed to blue light. Indophenol turns clear from
the original blue color when it is reduced; the more reduced indophenol is the
lower the absorbance should be. Thus, the Hedera Ivy applied with orange fruit
extract utilizes blue light the most for photosynthesis. The result for the
plants applied with orange peel extract showed the highest absorbance when
exposed to blue light, second highest absorbance when exposed to no light,
third highest absorbance when exposed to red light, and lowest absorbance when
exposed to white light. This supports our prediction and indicates that in this
plant extract, indophenol was reduced the most when exposed to white light. So
white light is the best for photosynthesis for the Hedera Ivy applied with
orange peel extract. The results for the plants applied with grapefruit
extract, grapefruit peel extract and the control group all showed the highest
absorbance when exposed to no light, second highest absorbance when exposed to
blue light, third highest absorbance when exposed to red light, and lowest
absorbance when exposed to white light. This also supports our prediction and
indicates that white light is the best for photosynthesis for these plants.
From eye observation, no difference was observed in the darkness of the color
of the plant extracts and indophenol solutions although the solutions with more
reduced indophenol should appear light. This may be due to the human eye’s
inability to observe a slight color change.
pH tests on the extracts showed that the grapefruit has a lower pH value than
the orange fruit, but the grapefruit peel has a higher pH value than the orange
peel. Overall, the fruits had lower pH values than the peels. These results
support our prediction that fruits are generally more acidic than the peels and
grapefruit extract might be too acidic for the plants, but contradicts our
prediction in that the grapefruit peel had the highest pH value of all the
fruit parts.
The final examination of the
growth of the Hedera Ivy due to the application of the extracts included a
chi-squared test on the average increase in height of the plants in each
treatment, and a comparison between the leaf area ratios of the plants in each
treatment. Results indicate that the plants in the grapefruit peel extract
treatment had the most increase in height. Chi-squared test on the increase in
height of the plants in each treatment produced a p-value of 0.5330, indicating
that there is no significant difference in the height increase of the plants in
the different treatments. Comparison between the leaf area ratios of the plants
in each treatment showed the highest leaf area ratio for the plants in the
grapefruit extract treatment. Chi-squared test on the leaf area ratios produced
a p-value of 0.93162, indicating there is no significant difference between the
leaf area ratios.
Since there is no significant
difference in the increase in height and the leaf area ratios of the plants in
the different treatments, our experimental results do not support our
hypothesis that orange peels are the best fertilizer for plants. Using orange
fruit, orange peels, grapefruit or grapefruit peels as fertilizer for the
Hedera Ivy will not cause a big difference in its growth.
There are many possible sources
of error in this experiment. In the sugar tests, it is possible that the
original yellowish color of the extracts affected the color of the solutions
after heating and the concentration of extract we used might not be the best
concentration for the sugar tests. More accurate and reliable tests for sugar
will reduce this error. Also, the spectrophotometer might not be very accurate
in reading the absorbance in the protein assay and for the Hill reaction
because there are a few instances when the machine altered the zero point. A
more accurate spectrophotometer will produce better results. Possible sources
of error for paper chromatography might be that the petroleum ether solution
was not an effective enough solvent for the separation of the pigments in our
extracts. Other solvents can be used to run the paper chromatography or other
methods: such as thin layer chromatography and column chromatography may be
performed to improve the results (Lehman, 1999). In addition, since there were
difficulties in obtaining pellets through centrifugation of the peel extracts
to run the paper chromatography, the solutions of extracts used might not be
effective for paper chromatography. For further experimentations, a more
high-powered centrifuge can be used to obtain the pellets.
Exposure to light while making
and aliquoting the indophenol solutions, and inaccuracies in the timing of the
reaction are all possible sources of error in the Hill Reaction. And
inefficiency of the pH meter and contaminations of the pH meter probe many
produce erroneous pH values of the extracts. Other possible sources of error in
our experiment include: not enough replications on the tests we ran, the way in
which our plants were fertilized, and how much fertilizer was used. Our
experiment had only 3 replications of each different treatment, which may not
be an effective sample size to yield reliable results. Perhaps more
replications could improve the reliability of this experiment. The probability
of this being a source of error is low as the test results we obtained from the
3 replications did not vary from one another. It was also difficult to
determine how much extract should be used for each of the controls to actually
affect the results of the experiment. Giving too little would not affect the
plants’ growth and too much may actually do the plant harm rather than aiding
it in growth. In this experiment, we may have applied too small amounts of
extracts to each plant, causing there to be no significant difference in the
overall growth of the plants in the different treatments.