Carbohydrate, Pigment, and Enzyme Tests of Glycine max Show a Substance Deficit in Soy Milk


The Vitreous Floaters
Lisa Talbot
James Hardie
Nalina Singh
Melissa Hinze



The Vitreous Floaters compared the soybean plant (Glycine max) to its processed byproduct: soymilk. Based on carbohydrates, photosynthetic pigments, and enzymes, it was expected that there would be similarities in the composition of both. In order to test our prediction, we first performed four carbohydrate tests: Barfoed’s test, Selivanoff’s test, Bial’s test and the Iodine test. After performing these tests, results were obtained that refuted our hypothesis that the soybean plant and soymilk have similar sugar compositions. The soybean plant was comprised of monosaccharide ketoses, while, the soymilk consisted of di and polysaccharide ketoses.

Although the soymilk was not green, we were curious to see if any photosynthetic pigments from the plant remained in the soymilk. It was predicted that since it was a product of the soybean plant, soymilk would still contain some of these photosynthetic pigments. To test this theory, a paper chromatography test was performed. The colors presented on the strip were noted and Rf value was determined. As a result, it was determined that no photosynthetic pigments remained in the soymilk – contradicting our hypothesis.
To access the amount of protein present in our experimental samples, the Bradford Assay was employed. It was expected that the soymilk sample would contain a greater amount of protein than the soybean plant sample. Following the completion of this test, it was revealed that we were correct in our predictions. Overall, soymilk lacks substances that are present in natural soybean plants.


Figure 1: Barfoed’s Test for reducing sugars. The test tubes above shown from left to right: soybean plant extract control (Cp), soybean plant extract trial 1 (1p), soybean plant extract trial 2 (2p), soymilk control (Cm), soymilk trial 1 (1m), soymilk trial 2 (2m). This figure shows the test tubes of soybean plant, soymilk, and two control groups, all containing 3 ml of Barfoed’s reagent. The test tubes labeled 1p, 2p, 1m, and 2m show results after two minutes of being placed in a boiling water bath. While the test tubes labeled Cp and Cm serve as control test tubes and received no boiling treatment. The soybean plant extract had a brown-red precipitate form in the bottom of the test tube. This dark brown-red precipitate indicated that there are traces of reducing monosaccharide sugars in the soybean plant. The lack of precipitate in the soymilk indicated that there are di and polysaccharide sugars.



The main purpose of our experiment was to analyze soymilk as it compares to the soybean plant (Glycine max) (Jung et al., 2000). To accomplish this we broke our two types of experimental samples, soymilk and soybean plant, down into their chemical compositions and analyzed their different chemical make-up. We expected there would be similarities in the composition of the soybean plant and soymilk. In order for us to test our hypothesis, we had to perform numerous experiments that would allow us to look at some of the major components that make up the soybean plant and soymilk.

The first set of experiments that we performed tested for different carbohydrates that comprise the soymilk and soybean plant respectively. We created a soybean plant extract by blending the soybean plant leaves in a blender and mixing with distilled water. Next, we covered a 250 ml beaker with cheesecloth and filtered the extract to remove any solids from the extract. We used the same batch of leaves (all collected from the same group of plants at the exact same time) and concentration of leaves to distilled water to make our extract throughout our experiment process to maintain consistency. Our first carbohydrate test was the Barfoed’s test, which determined if the sugars in the soymilk and soybean plant were monosaccharides, disaccharides, or polysaccharides (Krha et al., 2003). We expected to find the same sugars in both experimental groups since soymilk originates from the soybean plant. The results from our experiment showed that the soybean plant reacted in less than two minutes with a color change and a precipitate. This reaction demonstrates a monosaccharide. However, soymilk did not have a reaction to the Barfoed’s test, indicating di and polysaccharides. Manufacturing soy alters its chemical make-up from the original soybean plant, causing the monosaccharide sugar found in the plant to be lost in the milk (Poysa et al., 2002). This could be due to preservatives that are used in the milk. Therefore, the Barfoed’s test refuted our hypothesis.

The second carbohydrate experiment that we performed was the Selivanoff’s test. With this test we where able to see the difference between ketoses and aldoses. We found that the milk reacted within less then a minute and turned a burgundy color in both trials, indicating a ketose (Krha et al., 2003). The soybean plant extract did not react until about a minute for trial one and over a minute for trial two, indicating an aldose (Krha et al, 2003). With these results, the Selivanoff’s test also refuted our hypothesis.
The third carbohydrate test that we conducted was the Bial’s test. We tested the soybean plant and the soymilk to see if there were any furanoses (five membered rings) in their chemical make-up. If either experimental group did contain a five membered ring, it would react (Krha et al., 2003). Both the soybean plant and the soymilk reacted creating an olive green color indicating that pentose furanoses are present allowing us to support our hypothesis that they do contain a similar sugar.

The fourth and final carbohydrate test was the Iodine test. In this experiment, we looked for the presence of starch in soymilk and soybean plant. Starch, a polysaccharide, would change the sample to a bluish back color if it were present in either sample (Krha et al., 2003). Our samples did not react to this test using 35µl. When using 70 µl at first, the milk did change colors causing us to think that it did react, but overtime, approximately twenty minutes, the milk returned to white. The color change that we experienced was mainly due to the color of the Iodine and not a reaction. The soybean plant did not react with the Iodine, agreeing with Barfoed's test explained earlier, that the soybean plant is a monosaccharide. The soymilk did not react to either test and the results refute our hypothesis that the two experimental samples share similar sugars.
The second set of tests that we executed dealt with photosynthesis. We did not expect to see similar pigments in the soymilk and the soybean plant because of the chemical processing of the soymilk (Poysa et al., 2002). Using paper chromatography, we obtained the results we expected. The leaves from the soybean plant, that contain chlorophyll, resulted in all four-pigment colors: chlorophyll a, chlorophyll ß, xanthophyll, and carotene. The samples of soymilk contained no pigments. Next, we used a spectrophotometer, which allowed us to compare the light absorbency between the soybean plant and soymilk samples. This allowed us to see if any light absorbency is lost between the pure soybean plant and the soymilk. We expected there to be a loss in light absorbency between the pure forms of a substance, plant, to a manufactured version, milk. As we expected, the absorbency of the soybean plant extract was nearly twice that of the soymilk sample. The data obtained in these two experiments supports our hypothesis.

The final experiment we tested dealt with the amount of protein present in our two experimental samples. The experiment that we conducted was the Protein (Bradford) Assay. The Bradford assay allows us to see the amount of protein in each sample by using protein concentrations vs. absorbance. We predicted that the amount of protein in the soymilk would be higher than in the soybean plant. Our results showed that the Bradford assay supported our hypothesis, that the milk contained more protein than the plant. In fact, the milk contained almost 3.5 times more protein than the soybean plant. According to Dr. Yiwu Chen, the expected amount of protein contained in 50 grams of leaves equals only about one gram (Chen, 2003) therefore leading us to believe that the soymilk would contain more protein.

What we can conclude from our experimental results is that our predicted hypothesis was not completely upheld nor thrown out, due to the fact that, fifty percent of our experiments were refuted while fifty percent were supported. We were able to find some correlations and similarities between the two samples, soybean plant and soymilk. However, it is evident that the chemical alteration and manufacture of soybean plant will cause the composition of the soy to change.

Even though we executed our experiments to the best of our abilities, it is possible that many sources of error occurred. These sources of error would have embellished the results that we obtained. The first source of error that could have clouded our results was making our assumptions using visual observations. Anytime someone uses sight to justify experimental data there is always the chance of human error occurring. Another type of error could have occurred when we were boiling our samples. We could have boiled our samples for too long causing us not to be able to obtain the correct results. A final cause of error with our experiment could be the freshness of our soybean plant extract. We wanted to keep the extract throughout our experimental process in order to have consistency in each experiment and not be vulnerable to having an old, or contaminated sample as the weeks went by. Although we took as great of care as we possibly could, we needed to make a new extract for the photosynthesis tests and a new extract for the protein assay. Even though the leaves came from the exact same plants and we used the same mass of leaves to the same amount of distilled water, the extract was different for each set of experiments. Ideally, we hoped that none of these possible errors would occur because we want our results to be as accurate as possible. We did our best to reduce the chance of error due to a different extract with each set of tests by making the extract in the most exact same way possible.


*Soy plant image taken from:
Karen Shelton (2003) Herb Picture Collection 2003,