A person afflicted with Type II Diabetes is consistently presented with the
issue of monitoring his or her diet, specifically sugar consumption. As a
part of a healthy and balanced diet, the majority of people consume milk.
In regards to the limitations of a healthy diabetic diet: of soy milk, rice
milk and whole cow’s milk, which would be healthiest for a Type II Diabetic
to drink? Based on prior knowledge and research it was predicted that cow’s
milk would be best due to low simple sugar concentrations and the greater
presence of protein.
One may assume that metabolism of simple sugars during digestion would be
quickest and easiest for simple sugars, resulting in a lower blood glucose
(a simple sugar) levels. However, the consumption of complex sugars and carbohydrates
is considered to produce less extreme glucose levels in the blood stream
than the consumption of simple sugars (Menedez and Stoecker, 1985).
Four different tests were conducted to analyze of the sugar composition of
the whole cow’s milk, soy milk, and rice milk. In addition to the three milk
samples, four sugar solutions were tested as positive controls. We analyzed
two monosaccharide (glucose and fructose) solutions, one disaccharide (lactose)
solution, and one polysaccharide (starch) solution. All solutions were diluted
to 1% by volume.
The first test involved using Barfoed’s reagent to distinguish simple sugars
(monosaccharides) from complex sugars (disaccharides and polysaccharides).
Barfoed’s reagent contains compounds that would react with monosaccharides
to form precipitate through the process of reduction of copper ions. The
results of Barfoed’s test imply that the ratio of monosaccharides, to disaccharides
or polysaccharides, is significantly low in all three milk samples during
all three trials. Using the 1% solutions of glucose, fructose, lactose, and
starch as positive controls, and water as a negative control, none of the
milk samples, lactose, or starch reacted positively producing a rusty red
color (Figure 1). Water as expected had no change. Only the glucose and fructose
produced a rusty red color; which was to be expected due to the fact that
both are monosaccharides.
The Iodine test further extended the investigation of the presence of polysaccharides.
As stated in the results, the starch solution became a brown color when the
iodine was added, the soy milk reacted and became pink, the rice milk changed
to a dark purple appearance, and the other solutions were yellow (Figure
6). The yellow color is simply the diffusion of the iodine that did not react.
The change observed in the starch solution was the basis of comparison in
this experiment since starch is a polysaccharide. The color change seen in
soy milk suggests it contains a significant amount of polysaccharides. Furthermore,
the more intense color change seen in rice milk supports the idea of even
larger amounts of polysaccharides compared with soy milk (Figure 6). These
results suggest that of the three milk solutions, whole cow’s milk had the
lowest amount of polysaccharides.
Based on the information obtained from Barfoed’s and the Iodine tests; rice
milk, in comparison to soy and whole milk, has the greatest ratio of polysaccharides
to monosacchardies. From the information found in Nutrition and Diabetes,
rice milk can then be assumed to best for consumption by a Type II Diabetic.
Selivanoff’s test and Bial’s test focused on the structure of sugars present
in the solutions. In an effort to validate the results of theses tests, absorbency
values from 400 nm to 700 nm at 30 nm intervals, were found using a spectrophotometer.
The absorption spectrum for each solution was then graphed (Figure 3, Figure
5). A higher absorption at a given wavelength would indicate a stronger,
darker color, which would correlate to a stronger reaction. This allowed
our testing to couple quantitative data with the otherwise only qualitative
data. Specifically, Selivanoff’s was used to distinguish aldoses from ketoses.
Both kinds of sugars react with Selivanoff’s reagent to produce a red solution
(Figures 2). A solution of ketose sugars react (producing a red color) in
under a minute, whereas aldose sugars take over a minute. The quick reaction
times of fructose, soy, and rice milk provided strong support that these
solutions have high ketose sugar concentrations. The rest of the solutions
(whole milk, starch, lactose, glucose) tested took longer than one minute
to react, indicating a higher concentration of aldose sugars.
Quantitatively we can observe the strength of the reaction from the absorption
spectrum of the produced solutions (Figure 3). Since Selivanoff’s reagent
produces a red color for both ketoses and aldoses, the strength of the reaction
can be determined by the positioning of the peeks and valleys in the visual
light spectrum. The quicker the reaction time, the longer the solution will
be allowed to react, the darker the color. A darker color implies a quicker
initial reaction time, indicating ketose sugars. This would suggest that
the strength of a solution’s color directly correlates to the concentration
of ketoses. A reaction later in the test produces a lighter colored solution,
indicating aldoses.
Red light, as it seen by the human eye, is produced by an electromagnetic
wave with a wavelength between 620 nm and 740 nm. Based on properties of
electromagnetic waves, an object that the human eye views as red color, absorbs
light least readily (reflects) at wavelengths between 620 nm and 740 nm,
and most readily at other wavelengths. The absorbency of a given solution
can be tested using a spectrophotometer, which will measure the absorbency
at a given wavelength.
From the absorption spectrum (Figure 3) it can be observed that fructose,
lactose, glucose, soy milk, and rice milk have the lowest absorbance for
red light (620 nm to 740 nm). Whereas, whole milk and starch have comparatively
high absorbance for red light, implying that fructose, lactose, glucose,
soy milk, and rice milk had stronger reactions than whole milk and starch.
It should also be noted that of the solutions with a strong reaction, only
soy milk and fructose had high absorbance for light waves less than 620 nm,
whereas rice milk and cow milk had moderate absorbance. Since lactose and
glucose absorbed similar amounts of light over the entire visible light spectrum,
it is possible that in regards to these solutions, we can not accurately
infer that the reflection of red light corresponds to a strong reaction.
Based on support of the absorption spectrum, soy milk likely has the highest
concentration of ketoses to aldoses.
Bial’s test was set up not only to find furanoses, but also to make a distinction
in the furan rings, five-membered versus six-membered. Solutions with five-carbon
rings produce a green color when the reagent is added and solutions with
six-carbon rings react to form an olive/brown solution. The observations
made showed that the fructose, rice, and whole milk solutions became olive,
and the soy milk turned brown, which suggested a higher concentration of
six membered rings than five membered rings. The glucose, lactose, and starch
solutions reacted to form green product solutions suggesting a higher concentration
of five membered rings (Figures 4).
In the same way as Selivanoff’s test was analyzed by absorption spectrum,
Bial’s test could be analyzed (Figure 5). A darker color corresponded to
a higher concentration of hexose furanose. A lighter solution would indicate
a higher concentration of pentose furanose. This only applies to positively
reacting solutions. Fructose and soy milk had the greatest absorbency over
the spectrum, indicating a higher concentration of hexoses furanoses. While
whole milk and lactose had minimal absorbency across the spectrum, implying
a higher concentration of pentoses furanoses. Rice milk, starch, and glucose
fell in between the two groupings, implying a relatively more balanced distribution
of hexose and pentose furanoses.
While furanoses does not directly affect the investigation of which milk
is better, the information found in Selivanoff’s and Bial’s tests shows that
fructose may possibly be found in rice milk or soy milk. In both tests
and all trials the rice milk, soy milk, and fructose reacted similarly. Being
that fructose is the only naturally occurring ketose sugar (tested in Selivanoff’s
test), it is implied that rice and soy milk contain amounts of significant
fructose. The possibility that fructose may be evident in rice milk leads
to more support that rice milk is best for a person with Type II Diabetes.
However, based solely this idea stems from further research that states “low-dose
fructose improves the glycemic response to an oral glucose load in adults
with type 2 diabetes” (Cherrington, Davis, Mann, and Moore, 2001). Fructose
raises blood glucose levels less than glucose and many starches (Anonymous,
unknown 3). Fructose takes longer than glucose for the body to absorb. This
additional time allows the liver to first process the glucose consumed with
the fructose, more evenly distributing total absorption of sugars (Nuttall
and Gannon, 1999).
The analysis of the milks continued with a look at the photosynthetic qualities
of the original plants. Because whole milk originates from an animal it does
not have any chloroplasts that carry out the light reactions of photosynthesis,
it was impossible to analyze the photosynthetic qualities of the origins
of cow’s milk. However, in the case of rice milk and soy milk, both are derived
from plants. Comparing the absorption spectrum of chloroplasts found in rice
plants and soy plants suggested the potential sugar contents of each plant
before processing. Photosynthesis is a series of reactions utilizing light
energy, CO2, and water to produce sugar, among other things. The likely correlation
between light absorbency and sugar production will deal greatly with the
light wavelengths of 680 nm and 700nm. This is because the pigments predominantly
responsible for carrying out photosynthesis, chlorophyll α and chlorophyll
β, absorb most readily between 680 nm and 700 nm. A high absorbency at these
wavelengths would indicate a darker pigment and a greater ability for higher
rates of photosynthesis. It should be noted however, that high potential
does not always induce high rates of photosynthesis, as black colored inanimate
objects absorb all visual light waves, yet are incapable of photosynthesis.
We can assume that since we are dealing with two plants, the relationship
between absorbance and higher ability for photosynthesis is plausible.
Furthermore, the efficiency of photosynthesis determines the type of sugars
that the resulting glucose is stored in. A plant typically will use glucose
to make sucrose (a combination of fructose and glucose), however if the plant
is acting at a high rate of photosynthesis, and so producing glucoses more
quickly, it will simply string the glucoses together to form starch (Freeman,
2002). Logically, a plant that is capable of a higher rate of photosynthesis
will likely contain a higher concentration of starch. It should be further
noted that rates of photosynthesis can not be directly obtained from the
absorption spectrum, they can only be inferred. Those interested in further
investigation may desire to perform an action spectrum for soy and rice chloroplast
By the absorption spectrum, the relative absorption of different wavelengths
of light by pigments in soy and rice chloroplasts is shown (Figure 8). In
rice milk, there were distinct peaks at 445 nm, 490 nm, and 670 nm. This
indicates that the colors blue, blue-green and red are absorbed by rice chloroplasts.
In soy milk, there were distinct peaks at 400 nm and 670 nm. This indicates
that the colors violet and red are absorbed by soy chloroplasts. The rice
chloroplasts solution had a higher absorbency in the range of 680 nm to 700
nm, than soy chloroplasts. This would suggest that rice plants have a higher
potential for greater photosynthetic rates and likely a higher concentration
of starch.
Paper chromatography determined the pigments present in the soy and rice
plants. Pigments present can lend further insight regarding the original
sugar contents in the plants. Different pigments have different absorption
qualities. Soy and rice plant chloroplasts both contained four pigments:
carotene, xanthophyll, and as discussed above, chlorophylls α and β (Figure
7). These were determined through the pigment chromatography procedure and
the rate of flow of each pigment compared to that of the solvent used, referred
to as solvent front (Table 3). While chlorophyll pigments are most abundant
and so strongly influence absorption rates, the other pigments allow the
plant to absorb and so utilize a greater range of light waves. Both plants
contained the same pigments, which negates any comparison between the two.
However, it does suggest an increased efficiency of photosynthesis in both
plants, supporting the likelihood of more complex sugars being formed. From
this it would suggest that rice milk would be the healthier choice because
it contained more complex sugars.
While sugar intake is important in this exploration, one has to consider
this in context of tradeoffs of other beneficial milk components, such as
protein. The Bradford Assay gave quantitative results of protein concentration.
The highest levels of protein were found in the whole milk. Soy milk contained
the next highest concentration, and rice milk contained the least.
Protein content is particularly pertinent for persons with Type II Diabetes.
Recent studies have found that when simple sugars, such as fructose and glucose,
are consumed with protein rich foods, blood glucose levels rise less than
if consumed alone. This is due to protein stimulating insulin secretion (Gannon
and Nuttall, 1999). Moreover, for persons at risk of kidney disease due to
diabetes, studies have suggested that substituting plant protein for animal
protein in their regular diet can aid in the prevention and treatment of
kidney disease. The plant proteins appear to reduce hyperfiltration of the
kidneys (Strain, 2002).
As a means to check our data, we compared our protein concentrations from
the Bradford Assay to the information given on the nutritional label of each
milk (Figure 10, Figure 11, Figure 12). Our data fell significantly short
of the predicted levels from the nutritional labels. The Bradford Assay would
suggest that we had 1.26 g of protein per 8 oz serving for whole milk, 1.10
g for soy milk, and 0.090 g for rice milk. This is much lower than the 8
g for whole milk, 11 g for soy milk, and 1 g for rice milk per 8 oz serving
as stated on the nutritional labels. While discrepancies such as this were
hoped to be avoided by multiple repetitions, our data was consistent across
all trials. Due to the amount of testing done by both manufacturers and the
Food and Drug Administration, it is likely that the nutritional labels are
accurate. This would imply that error during the Bradford Assay was the cause
of the difference in findings. This would be useful for those interested
in further study into our hypothesis to note, and take into special account
our potential sources of error. Error for the protein concentration for whole,
soy, and rice were 84.25%, 90%, and 91% respectively.
Based strictly from our experimental data, we can infer that either whole
or soy milk would be best for a person with Type II Diabetes, since they
each contain similar protein levels. Based on the types of protein, soy milk
would likely be the better of the two. Soy milk is a plant protein, so along
with a beneficial amount of protein to reduce blood glucose levels, the type
of protein can aid in combating kidney disease.
Judging from the information collected during these experiments soy milk
would be best for a person with Type II Diabetes. While rice milk was indicated
as the healthiest choice by two of our investigations, in both investigations
soy milk behaved similarly. Whereas, in regards to protein concentration,
soy was significantly different than rice milk, prompting the conclusion
that soy milk would be the healthiest choice. Cow milk has been a long standing
favorite among milk drinkers, only recently have soy milk and rice milk become
widely available. The results of the tests show that there is a higher ratio
of complex sugars in reference to simple sugars in soy milk than in cow milk.
In addition the evidence of what is possibly fructose (from Selivanoff’s
and Bial’s tests), potentially high rates of starch (photosynthesis testing),
and high protein concentration (the Bradford’s Assay) in soy milk further
supports the idea that soy milk is the most suitable and beneficial for Type
II Diabetics.
It is safe to assume that for this, as with any laboratory investigation
that there are many possible sources of error. Human error is always a potential
source, such as error in timing or incorrect reading of a value. One specific
area highly susceptible to errors was the absorption spectrums of Selivanoff’s
and Bial’s tests, of chloroplast solutions, and the Bradford Assay. Before
this could be preformed, each solution had to be diluted in order to be read
by the spectrophotometer at all light wavelengths. While dilution insured
complete readings of an initially dark solution, it caused solutions that
were already light to become even lighter and harder to read. During the
photosynthetic analysis it would have been helpful to test the action spectrum
of the soy and rice chloroplasts, but due to difficulties and inconsistencies
of the experiment, it was omitted.
Other sources of error include the materials used in the experiments. New
packages of milk had to be purchased every few weeks, this produced variation
in our test subjects. We attempted to decrease this variation by using the
same brand of milk each time. Also, in regards to materials; since we shared
materials with other persons within the lab, it is impossible to completely
know about the prior treatment of materials. Specifically light sensitive
reagents such as Bradford’s.
Time constraints of growing and harvesting seasons forced us to obtain soy
plants nearly 3 weeks before they we actually used. Further failures in initial
photosynthetic testing, further increased the time between harvesting and
the chloroplast extraction. The soy leaves were stored in the refrigerator
to prevent potential damage due to freezer-burn, however the refrigerator
did not completely prevent decay. Moreover, due to limitations of time, climate,
and availability of specimens and product information: the rice and soy leaves
used were not known to be of the same species used in each of the milks.
Links for additional information
American Diabetes Association
The Endocrine System