Carbohydrates, Protein, Amino Acids, and Lycopene in Roma, Regular, and Grape
Tomatoes for a Healthier Diet.
Cynthia Harry and Farah Farah
LBS 145
Section: Wednesday 7pm-10pm
Lab instructors: Laura Miller and James Hardie
January 25, 2006
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Written by: Farah Farah
by: Farah Farah and Cynthia Harry
When investigating the differences between roma, grape, and original tomatoes it was believed that the
grape tomatoes would have a different carbohydrate composition than the other
tomatoes because of itâs compact size and the fact that it contains ten times
more flavanolÊ (Hunt, 1999).Ê Flavanols, are the red pigments in tomatoes and they act as
antioxidants that reduce a personâs chance of heart disease (Flavanol, 2006).ÊÊ It
is also believed that grape tomatoes will have a higher protein concentration
because they contain more arginine per sample (Nutritional 4, 2006). Therefore, the
grape tomato will yield a higher absorbency than its counterparts because arginine reacts better in the
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Written by Cynthia Harry
by Farah Farah and Cynthia Harry
these test the hypothesizes formulated were supported
or refuted. The carbohydrate tests performed seemed to be inconclusive with the
hypothesis. It turned out that grape tomatoes do not have a different
carbohydrate structure from that of roma and original
tomatoes. However, they all have the same main structure which consists of a
monosaccharide determined by the Barfoedâs test
(Figure 1), ketose verified by the Selivanoffâs test (Figure 2), and non-starch element
confirmed by the Iodine test (Figure 3). The sugar that possesses these
characteristics is fructose. This is true because fructose is a monosaccharide
or a single sugar. Fructose also has a carbonyl group located in the middle of its
structure making it consistent with a ketose and itâs
also a non-starch. Therefore it has been determined that fructose is present in
roma, grape, and original tomatoes (Table 1). This is
consistent with nutritional evidence found on tomatoes provided by the USDA.
Which indicated that grape, roma, and original
tomatoes had fructose present (Nutritional 1, 2006).Ê However, fructose is not the only
monosaccharide present in all types of tomatoes. Glucose is also found in all
of the following tables but it didnât appear in the test because it seems that
the sugar glucose is less abundant in tomatoes then fructose (Nutritional 4,
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ The protein analysis from the
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ It was hypothesized that all of the
tomatoes would have the same amino acids present.Ê The research performed confirmed this
assumption (Figure 6). It seems that the main amino acids found in all the
tomatoes were Lysine, Arginine, Histidine,
Aspartate, and Glutamate (Table 2). This evidence was
also supported by the nutritional facts provided by the USDA (Nutritional,
2006). However, it seems that there are a lot more amino acids present in the tomatoes
then have been provided above. The reason these may not have been noticed could
be due to the fact that they compose a smaller portion of the tomatoes then the
other amino acids present.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ The final test preformed was the lycopene test. It seems that the hypothesis for the lycopene test was inaccurate according to the actual data
obtained. The roma tomatoes had the highest lycopene concentration at 31.9µg/ g of sample, next grape
tomatoes with a concentration of 24.4µg/ g of sample, and original tomatoes
with a concentration of 18.0µg/ g of sample (Graph 1). In, ãHeat treatment and
progression of chilling injury and pigmentation of tomatoes during postharvest,ä by Henrique et. al the lycopene
concentration of original tomatoes at 20¼C (just below room temperature) was
16.5µg/g of sample (Henriquez et. al., 2004). This
value is not to far off from the observed value obtained in this research. The
potential difference in concentration may have been due to a slight temperature
change. A lycopene concentration of 25.73µg/g of
sample in raw tomatoes was also recorded in research conducted by Canene-Adams et. al. (Canene-Adams et. al., 2005).
The values observed in both researches are consistent with the recorded values
of this research.Ê So when it comes to
determining the healthier tomato based on lycopene
concentration roma tomatoes seem to be the way to
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Some possible sources of error that
may have occurred during experimentation include human and technical error.
During the Selivanoffâs test it was hard to determine
whether a color change occurred during or after a minute timing. In other
carbohydrate test it was hard to determine the color of the resulting solution.
These examples of error during the carbohydrate test are mostly human error. The
results however seemed to be accurate but may have not been if repetitions were
not performed. During the
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ The research conducted has concluded
that grape tomatoes seem to be a better source of protein then the other two
types. Roma tomatoes on the other hand are a good source for lycopene. So the main question here is what determines the
health of a tomato? Is it the higher protein concentration or is it higher lycopene concentration.
& Figures:
Figure 4: Bradfordâs Assay: The bar graph above shows the distribution of protein in
each type of tomato estimated by the
Graph 1: Lycopene TLC Test: This is a scatter
plot of the lycopene concentration of roma, grape, and original tomatoes determined by a lycopene spectroscopy test. As it can be seen roma tomatoes have the highest concentration of lycopene, preceded by grape, and then original tomatoes.