As research continues to be performed to determine what combination of vitamins, minerals, macromolecules, and other nutrients helps a person live the healthiest life, many trends persist.  A recent low-carbohydrate craze has focused on a high intake of protein. Protein can be obtained from many foods, but the culinary and botanical genre of the nut offers a high level of protein and other beneficial nutrients.  This study examined peanuts and walnuts to find out if one offered higher nutritional benefits than the other. 

            The peanuts and walnuts were tested for sugars, amino acids, and proteins, but before this could be done, they had to be dissolved into an aqueous solution.  Due to the fact that “like dissolves like” and peanuts and walnuts contain a significant amount of non-polar lipids, water was not a sufficient solvent.  A mixture of non-polar or amphiphilic methanol, acetonitrile, and Triton X-114 was used to aid the dissolution of all molecules into solution (Delgado-Zamarreño et al., 2002).  The tests performed after the completion of the extraction were: Barfoed’s test, Selivanoff’s test, the iodine test for coiled polysaccharides, the Bradford assay, thin layer chromatography on amino acids, and HPLC on proteins.

            Amino acids are organic acids that can be bound together in seemingly infinite configurations to form proteins, which are necessary for life.  A large variety of amino acids is ideal because all 20 are used to create proteins (Freeman, 2005).  While the body can synthesize 12 amino acids, the other 8 must be obtained from food (Freeman, 2005).  A TLC test was performed on the samples to determine which amino acids were present.  Since amino acids can combine in any order, proteins can have a large disparity in mass, and a nut may contain many different proteins.  HPLC was employed to determine the number of different proteins present in the nuts, and the Bradford Assay determined the nuts’ overall concentration of protein.

            The carbohydrate compositions of peanuts and walnuts were also examined.  Carbohydrates, commonly known as sugars, are broken down to provide the body with ATP.  The three main groupings of carbohydrates are monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides (Krha, 2006).  A combination of different types of sugars is necessary for the body to have a constant supply of energy.   The Barfoed’s test was used to verify the presence of monosaccharides (Krha, 2006).  Monosaccharides can be classified as either aldoses or ketoses based on the placement of the carbonyl group (Freeman, 2005).  This distinction, identified using the Selivanoff’s test, can help determine which monosaccharides are present (Krha, 2006).  While the first two carbohydrate tests identified monosaccharides or their distinguishing characteristics, the last test, the iodine test for coiled polysaccharides, signaled the presence or absence of starch in the nuts (Krha, 2006).  Starch is a coiled polymer of glucose and has similar benefits to fiber (anonymous-11, 2006).

Although both peanuts and walnuts can be part of a healthy diet, it was hypothesized that peanuts offer more nutritional benefits than walnuts based on their higher concentration and variety of proteins, and larger amino acid and carbohydrate diversity.  The results of the experiments performed did not necessarily support this hypothesis.  Overall, the carbohydrate portion of the hypothesis, which stated that peanuts will have a larger variety of carbohydrates than walnuts, was refuted because the results for all three of the carbohydrate tests were the same for both samples.  Peanuts and walnuts were both found to lack monosaccharides but contain starch, and the Selivanoff’s test results were not consistent with any of the controls, leaving the presence of aldoses or ketoses in question.  From the TLC test for amino acids, walnuts were determined to contain cysteine, histidine, lysine, arginine, and proline, while peanuts indicated the presence of serine, methionine, valine, tyrosine, and phenylalanine.  While the amino acids determined to be present in both nuts were some of the amino acids expected to be found, many suspected amino acids were missing, and the same amino acids were not present in each sample.  Walnuts were found to have 10 different types of proteins and a protein concentration of 190. mg/mL.  Peanuts contained 4 different proteins and had a protein concentration of 188 mg/mL.  These protein concentrations determined from the Bradford assay were very similar, so it was hard to differentiate between the two, but the peanut protein concentration was not higher as expected.  Lastly, HPLC found walnuts to contain more proteins than peanuts, which was the opposite of what was hypothesized. 

            Since both peanuts and walnuts were found to contain starch, but no monosaccharides, it was concluded that all of the sugars in the nuts have been bound together by glycosidic linkages to form polysaccharides.  While each sugar that makes up a polysaccharide is still an aldose or a ketose, the Selivanoff’s test failed to break apart the glycosidic linkages to form monosaccharides, and therefore the results did not give conclusive data (Krha, 2006).  The findings of research performed by Basha on the sugar composition of peanuts support the conclusion that peanuts do not contain monosaccharides, as the simplest sugar identified was sucrose, a disaccharide.  Holding true to the hypothesis that both nuts contain polysaccharides, the Iodine test indicated the presence of starch, a polymer of glucose.  Due to the fact that glucose is an aldose, if the polysaccharides had broken down, both peanuts and walnuts should have been found to contain aldoses (Krha, 2006).  The positive test for starch strengthens the argument that nuts are a good part of a balanced diet because research performed by J.M. Goldring in 2004 finds starch to promote good health.  The carbohydrate analysis did not show any difference between peanuts and walnuts, and therefore it was determined that both nuts provide an equal amount of nutritional variety.  Future research should include quantitative tests to determine which nut offers more energy.   

The only significant problem that was encountered during the carbohydrate tests occurred with Selivanoff’s test.  The color changes observed for the peanut and walnut samples did not coincide with either the positive or negative controls or the mock trial.  This problem most likely occurred because one of the chemicals in the extraction procedure reacted unfavorably with the Selivanoff’s reagent.      

            The amino acid TLC test proved to be more challenging than initially assumed.  While none of the three trials performed gave clear data, possible dots of amino acids were observed on the third attempt under UV light.  Based on the assumption that these spots were truly amino acids, a larger variety of amino acids was observed in the walnuts.  Previous research shows aspartic acid, threonine, serine, glutamic acid, proline, glycine, alanine, valine, methionine, isoleucine, lecine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, histidine, lysine, and arginine to be present in walnuts (Savage, 2001).  The only amino acids suspected to be in walnuts from this study were cysteine, histidine, lysine, arganine, and proline.  Savage found all of these amino acids except cysteine.  The amino acids: tryptophan, threonine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, cysteine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, valine, arginine, histidine, alanine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine, proline, and serine are found to be in peanuts (anonymous-12, 2005).  The results from the TLC showed that tryptophan, methionine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, valine and serine were in the peanut sample.  Therefore, although all-inclusive lists of amino acids may not have been compiled from this study, the likelihood of the determined amino acids being present is very high.  The overall variety of amino acids cannot be analyzed from these data collected with TLC, but they support parts of other more thorough studies that uphold the hypothesis, as mentioned above.   

Multiple errors occurred throughout the TLC experiments.  The first trial was unsuccessful because the most updated procedure was not performed.  Both the amino acid standard and a nut sample were placed on one TLC plate.  The sample was painted on, while dots of the standard were pipetted on.  This procedure resulted in plates that showed very good standard marks (circles), but unobservable samples.  Other methods did not produce standard plates that were as easily observed, but this was contributed to the fact that the sample mistakenly placed on the standard pate somewhat would have beneficially diluted the standard.  The second trial of amino acid TLC failed because the incorrect mobile phase was added.  Therefore, the plate was developed in such a way that pigments, if present, would have appeared.  The third trial was run correctly, but the data were still unclear.  Under UV light some spots that appeared to be amino acids were observed, but there was no way to know whether this assumption was correct.  A few of the solvent fronts appeared to approach the edge of the TLC plates, and this could have been a problem caused by a lack of equipment and the need to use very narrow plates.  Circles were drawn around the observed spots and the Rf values were found.  Some of them correlated with known Rf values, but others did not (Krha, 2006).  The known Rf values did not exceed 0.500, but spots observed in trial three and on the standards of trial one had Rf values greater than this number.  These spots were either false readings, or the samples traveled farther than expected.  The TLC plates could have failed to develop properly because one of the solvents used in the extraction procedure inhibited the normal process.  Triton X-114 is the most likely candidate because the least information is understood about it.  Another possible problem was that the lipids present in the nuts could have interfered with the TLC procedure.  An alternate extraction procedure including the solvent hexane was used to break apart the lipids, but the protocol employing acetonitrile, methanol, and Triton X-114 had to be utilized to dissolve the sample into solutions.  Therefore, if one of the original extraction chemicals was the problem, this method would not solve the dilemma. 

            The Bradford assay, used to determine protein concentrations, found both nuts to contain very similar amounts of protein (about 190 mg/mL).  According to the nutritional labels on the nuts’ packages, and various sources, peanuts were expected to have a higher concentration (anonymous-7, unknown and anonymous-8, unknown).  One reason that the protein content of nuts in general, both culinary and botanical, makes them beneficial for a healthy diet is that protein contributes to healthy bones and may even help prevent osteoporosis (Bonjour, 2005).  Protein also is necessary for muscle growth, which is essential to people who exercise to improve their health (Phillips et al., 2005).  These are only a few of the benefits of a diet rich in protein.   

            The variety of proteins in walnuts revealed through HPLC was found to be larger than that of peanuts.  The data showed 10 peaks on the walnut chromatograms, while only 4 peaks appeared on the peanut chromatograms.  These peaks were assumed to represent individual proteins in the samples.  The chromatograms consist of absorbance profiles at the wavelengths of 214 and 280 nm, at which peptide bonds (amide bonds) and phenyl groups (six-carbon rings like those found in phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan) absorb, respectively (Watson, 2006).  Because the HPLC instrument was calibrated with a ribonuclease (14kDa) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) standard (66kDa), only the proteins with affinities within the range of these standard proteins would appear on the chromatogram (Watson, 2006).  The chromatogram at 214 nm was analyzed to determine the number of proteins, and the chromatogram at 280 nm was used to back up these data.  Some of the peaks on the 280 nm chromatogram may represent substances that contain a phenyl group but are not proteins.  Peptide bonds are present in all proteins so the data from the 214 nm chromatogram is more reliable.  But there still could be another substance in the samples that also has an amide bond that would give a false peak.  The health benefits of these different types of protein cannot be determined because their concentrations are unknown.  It is only possible to assume that in this case, the larger variety of proteins equates to a high protein concentration because the Bradford assay found walnuts to have a slightly higher concentration than peanuts. 

The HPLC test ran smoothly, but an extraction procedure unlike than the one used for the other experiments was necessary to prepare the samples in such a way that they would not damage the machine.  While this alternate extraction method did not alter the amount of proteins obtained, if further tests were run, the results would not be based on the constant conditions throughout.  Therefore, all of the data would be hard to compare.   Another source of possible interest with the HPLC procedure was that the peanuts and walnuts were not diluted to the same concentrations.  Since only the presence of different proteins was measured, and the original concentrations were unknown, this did not skew the data. 

            Although data were obtained from the Bradford assay, it may not be the most accurate.  One issue was that the absorbencies of the nuts fell above the standard curve.  It is not statistically sound to assume that the curve would continue to progress in its current path at higher absorbencies.  This problem could have been solved had the nut samples been diluted, but there was no way to determine how much and what contents of the nuts were present in the samples because the original concentrations could not be accurately ascertained. 

            The most difficult part of all of the research was finding and implementing an extraction method.  The general procedure was obtained from Delgado- Zamarreño and colleagues, but it did not contain any specific volume or ratio of chemicals to use.  Upon experimentation, 5 mL each of acetonitrile, methanol, and Triton X-114 were found to be adequate, but a different ratio may have been more appropriate.  It may also have helped some of the tests such as Selivanoff’s test and TLC to have given better results.  

            The analysis of the nutritional value of peanuts and walnuts could have been much more beneficial with more time.  If this study were to continue into the future many new things would be attempted.  First, new methods of extraction would be applied to samples undergoing Selivanoff’s test to determine if an adverse reaction with one of the extraction chemicals was the problem.  Tests to quantify the amount of starch contained in each nut would also be helpful in distinguishing between peanuts and walnuts.  Multiple new processes would be undertaken to improve the results obtained from amino acid TLC; the first procedure attempted would be hydrolysis.  Hydrolysis would allow the molecules in the nuts to react with water over a long period of time in order to break them apart as thoroughly as possible (Delgado- Zamarreño, 2001).  If hydrolysis does not work, a chemistry expert would need to be consulted to determine if the acetonitrile, methanol, or Triton X-114 are capable of causing all of these problems.  As for the protein portion of the analysis, the samples used in the Bradford assay would be diluted using one part sample solution and nine parts water in order to have the absorbencies fall within the standard curve and be more accurate.               










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